Tuesday, October 7, 2008


"What do you want to believe about yourself?"

This, my therapist asked after listening to my words and words of anger and
 sadness and fear. She asked what I *want* to believe about me.


How many of us have actually entered that zone where we truly see ourselves for how we want to believe we are, as opposed to how we think we are, or how we think others see us? It's an empowering thought.

I want to believe I'm a good person, and that I'm worthy of others. I want to believe that I have created love in my life. I want to believe that I can be something better than what I am, and that I'm not entrenched in my mistakes of the past. 

I want to believe that I am making the right choice for myself, for the chance at love, and for the happiness and well-being my children. 

I am no longer tied to the burden of what I expected myself to do. I no longer have this self-fulfilling life sentence ahead of me. I can be free. I just need to step forward.

When I say this... I believe it. 
